Tuesday, 12 May 2015

3: The limitations of climate science.

In my last post I speculated on why belief in global warming was so closely associated with a left-wing political stance and suggested it was because global warming gave people who were anti-capitalist the “smoking gun” they needed to attack large corporations and conservative governments. Whether that is true or not, the question you might legitimately ask is why should that matter? Just because a scientific theory provides ammunition for a political belief does not mean it is invalid, does it?

Well, the problem is, it does, or it can.

If a scientific theory adds support to a belief or attitude or offers any some sort of advantage to the researcher there is a significant risk of confirmation bias.
The idea of confirmation bias might seem odd because we imagine that all scientists are keen to confirm their hypotheses but what many people don’t realise is that when doing research you not only have to try and validate your hypothesis, you have to do your best to invalidate it. This is called scientific rigour. Confirmation bias can occur in many ways in science: it can lead to researchers to stop testing once they have got the result they seek; it can lead them to select a preferred result out of ambiguous data; it can cause them to “round off” calculations or eliminate things such as ‘outliers’ in data. It is also, I am afraid, embedded in the “peer review” system. Confirmation bias on a secondary level is evident in studies such as the one that found “97% of climate scientists accept the global warming theory” and the use of "h-scores" (number of times cited in papers) to try an discredit Bjorn Lomborg.
In most scientific research the confirmation bias arises from the ambitions of the researcher. A notorious case was that of Dr William McBride, the first person to link Thalidomide to birth defects who, 20 years later tried to show that the morning sickness drug Debendox also produced defects. It was revealed he had falsified his results to reach his conclusion. This was a case of one person wishing to make a second valuable discovery. The desire to prove that global warming is “real” is held by many millions of people and which raises particular concerns for the whole field of climate research.
Because there are so many people who want, a priori, the theory of global warming to be true, research in this area must be subject to even more than usually stringent methodological rigour.
Unfortunately, research into global warming is not more rigorous that other research. This is not due to any failing by researchers but because of inherent problems in the area itself. Those problems include the following:
Lack of a Control
If we test a drug for a particular illness, we cannot simply give the drug to a group of people who have the illness and see how many get better. We have to have a control group which does not take the drug and see how many of them get better without taking the medication.
The first problem with testing the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on global temperatures is that we do not have a control. We do not have an identical Earth without the emissions to compare with this one. That means we are unable to isolate greenhouse gases as a factor in warming. The lack of a control is not simply an inconvenient hurdle to be overcome in climate research, it is a major obstacle. Without a “control Earth” researchers have to try and extrapolate climate data from the recent past and generate projections of what temperatures might have been if not for rising CO2 levels. But this does not constitute having a real control because these “what if” projections are themselves hypothetical and also require to be validated.  This process is compounded by the next problem: 
Incomplete and Uncalibrated Data.
One of the major problems climatologists face is that we have only had accurate comprehensive climate data for less than a century. When the press announces things like “Hottest March on record” they mean, since records have been kept, i.e. about a hundred years ago. To make matters worse, the climate data that has existed over the last few centuries has been recorded using a variety of methods or varying accuracy. In Australia for example, temperature and rainfall readings in the outback were for many years reported by people with a thermometer and a rain gauge on a post outside the house. Vast areas of the planet have had no proper means of recording data until satellites started to take measurements 50 years ago.
Given this paucity of uniform, calibrated data, climate scientists have to rely for historical data on proxies, that is to say, things like lacustrine and marine depositions and tree growth rings. This research in turn depends on other fields of research that seek to correlate things such as temperature and rainfall or temperature and CO2 levels with plant growth. (That process is complicated in itself because higher temperatures and higher CO2 levels can independently affect growth.)
While patterns of climate and atmospheric CO2 levels can be painstakingly derived from proxies, those data are compromised by: 
Error Margins
Calculations of historical and even present global temperatures, gas emissions, ice-cap thicknesses etc are not precise. All such measurements entail ranges: e.g. the average summer temperatures in Britain in 1850 might be calculated as 18 – 20o C and CO2 levels as 240-260 ppm. (These are simply  examples not real figures)  Now, many people might think that when you start to plot graphs and derive correlations, that error margins somehow cancel themselves out. That is not necessarily true. Self-cancellation assumes that if we overestimate one figure in our data we are likely to underestimate some other figure thereby correcting the problem. But this is not always the case. In some systems, error margins can compound each other. This becomes a serious issue where there is a risk of confirmation bias because, by selecting, say, the highest values in each range we can produce a very severe “worst case scenario” which is quite unrealistic compared to taking the median values in the ranges.

Consider the following:
The average temperature of a region in 1960 is calculated as 21o (plus or minus 2o). In 1970 the temperature in the same regions are calculated as 23o (plus or minus 2o). The researcher concludes that temperatures have risen 2 degrees. However, if the actual temperature in 1960 was at the top of the range at 23o and the actual temperature in 1970 was at the bottom of the range at 21o, it means temperatures have actually fallen 2 degrees.
This is a simple example but the problem of error margins applies equally to large scale long-term calculations of global temperatures. The manipulation of ranges is apparent in many of the earlier findings of the IPCC. 

The problem of error margins – which is related to issues of randomness – leads onto:
Significance Issues
In any testing process, there is always a chance of outcomes that are the result of chance.  In our case above of testing a new drug, if we gave the drug to a sample of 20 people and 12 of them got better, compared to 10 people in the control group, we would scarcely be concluding that our drug was a success. We would want to test on a much larger group, and do so many times over before we concluded that our drug produced a 20% better rate of cure.
The significance of any result must always be compared to the normal random fluctuations of parameters in the target population.
The "significance problem" in global warming theory is that, according to the IPCC, global temperatures over the last 200 years, have risen by only 1 (one) degree.
Given the normal random variations of temperatures over millennia, it is very hard to show that this is a statistically significant result. It is compounded by the fact that a one degree rise, represents a proportional rise of one three hundredth - 1/300  - above pre-1800 temperatures. This tiny fraction is smaller than the error margins in the data that have gone into calculating it.
(Note: in comparing temperatures proportionally and calculating contingent probabilities, remember you have to convert them to the zeroed Kelvin scale. A rise of 21o to 23oC is a rise from 294 to 296oK. This puts a rather different complexion on the ratio of increase.)
Problems of computer modelling
When a climate scientist makes a prediction such as “at present emission rates, global temperatures will rise by 2 to 3 degrees by 2080” they are putting forward a hypothesis. If the world warms by that much in 2080, the hypothesis is confirmed, if not, it is disproved. The point is that the hypothesis remains a hypothesis until 2080 when the data is in: there is no way of confirming or rejecting it before that date. This of course is not acceptable to people who believe we are facing imminent destruction, so they have convinced themselves that perhaps we do not have to wait that long; that perhaps there is a way to prove the accuracy of the hypothesis right now through calculation: perhaps there can be a mathematical proof of global warming.
Alas this is not true.
People have come to think it is possible because scientists use computers to create simulations of the Earth’s climate. They feed in all the data we have mentioned above, satellite readings, terrestrial readings, proxies and so on and this allows them to look for patterns, discover underlying relationships and, most importantly, generate future scenarios. By varying the values of different factors they can derive different possible outcomes. These models are very important in trying to understand climatic processes. The problem, some people seem to them as a form of data. But they are not.
Computer climate models are not data they are just more detailed hypotheses.
Regardless of how sophisticated computer models are they still need to be calibrated against the actual events. In other words, we won’t know whether the computer’s algorithms accurately reflect what will happen in 2080 until 2080. There is no way of short cutting the testing procedure.
Now, computer modellers know that their predictions are tentative and so they do not claim absolutely validity so what they do, to give their calculations some credibility, is attach probability values to them. These take the form of “if the present rate of emissions continues there is an 80% chance of a rise in temperatures of between 2 and 4 degrees etc…” This is designed to make the predictions more believable but it doesn’t because those probabilities are simply an outcome of the modelling process itself. What they are saying is “we have run this simulation in our computer 100 times with various values and in 80 of those times the result has been 2-4 degrees warming.” This is not the same as saying “there is an 80% probability that our computer simulation is right.”
The only way a hypothesis can calculate a viable probability is from previous events.
If the climate scientists could point to multiple times in the past where the Earth was in its present configuration, where human activity was similar, and greenhouse gases were increasing at their present rates and show that in 80% of those occasions temperatures rose by the specified amount, then the probability would have actuarial validity. But, of course, the Earth never has been in this situation before. As climate activists love to point out, the present situation is unprecedented and you cannot generate probabilities for a unique situation.
However there is an even more significant and, unfortunately, fundamental problem in relation to calculating climate change.
Computational Irreducibility
A few years ago, following the development of Chaos Theory, Stephen Wolfram, the man who wrote the world’s most used mathematical software Mathematica coined the phrase computational irreducibility to describe a troubling limitation of mathematics. Wolfram astutely describes mathematics as a “race between humans and the universe, to calculate events before they happen.” The problem is that there are situations where the events could never be calculated before they actually happened.
The principle has serious implications for the testing of hypotheses such as global warming.
It can be illustrated as follows:
Imagine you fire a shell out of a cannon. Even the simplest computer, the chip in a mobile phone, is capable of calculating where that shell will land and when it will land there before it gets there.
Now imagine you throw a leaf into a babbling brook, a small stream that is splashing over rocks and whirling around reeds as it makes its way down the hillside. No computer that exists, or possibly ever will exist, can calculate where that leaf will be 20 seconds later.
Calculating the trajectory and flight time of the shell can be achieved using a small set of input conditions and some basic Newtonian physics. Plotting the course of the leaf requires calculating the velocity, direction and atomic forces of trillions of water and air molecules which are all interacting with each other as well as the leaf. In other words, to find the position of the leaf at the designated time, it is quicker to simply wait and see.
Calculating the interaction between the factors that govern global temperatures -  variations in solar radiation, CO2 levels, water droplet levels, cloud formation, ocean currents, air currents, albedo, ozone levels, biological feedback mechanisms, agricultural developments etc. - is very much the same as calculating all the factors determining the path of the leaf in the stream only greater. Even if you can calculate those effects individually, these factors all influence each other.
The upshot of this is that there is no way to accurately calculate global climatic events, such as rises in temperature, before those events occur.
If you want to see whether the predictions of the climate scientists are accurate or not, you just have to wait.
Now some people will argue that you can generate accurate predictions by looking at current circumstances, detecting a trend, and extending that trend into the future but when you look at the real world it is surprising how few systems that applies to. Consider the stock market: if the market is rising steeply, can we conclude that it is going to continue to rise for decades? No. Almost certainly there is going to be correction soon and the market will fall. Snow piling up on a ridge will continue until it reaches a critical mass and then an avalanche will occur. If the leaf in the stream is sailing along the left hand side will it continue in that direction? We don't know.  A single puff of wind can steer it to the other side. Trends mean nothing in a chaotic system and the Earth’s atmosphere is the ultimate chaotic system.
Chaos, by the way, does not mean that the system is unstable or completely unpredictable. Chaotic systems are still deterministic and often have converging outcomes. Imagine dropping marbles into a round bowl. Each marble will take its own unpredictable course but all will end up in the bottom of the bowl. Chaos is characterised by two seemingly opposite principles (1) that small differences in inputs can produce huge differences in outputs - such as a pinball machine where minute differences in the momentum of the ball produce vastly different and unpredictable trajectories and (2) different trajectories can converge on the same final outcome like the marbles in the bowl. Although its route  is unpredictable, the leaf usually, eventually. floats to the bottom of the stream.
The Earth’s climate is governed by the second of these principles.

Next rave:  Some global warming myths dispelled.


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